
Friday, February 03, 2006

Catching up...

Well, I used to be the computer expert during my college years. Apparently I've become obsolete much faster than I had originally anticipated. I had (err...make that have) no idea what "blogs" were/are, much less a desire to create one for myself. Leave it to my somewhat recurring passion for cooking to inspire me. This blog will begin as a dumping ground for the recipes for which I've become relatively famous. Ok, ok...that might be a bit of a stretch. Famous, if you believe the opinions of my very loving and supportive network of family and friends. I'm sure that all who visit this blog will find many yummy recipes to try out on their own loving and supportive network of family and friends. Beware, recipes are often much better the second time you try them (if you modify them to suit your own tastes, of course). Oh, and did I mention they're all vegetarian? Shhh...if you don't point it out, nobody will ever notice...

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